These charming Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks are a delightful addition to any poultry enthusiast's flock. These adorable chicks are admired for their striking silver laced plumage and friendly demeanor, making them a joyous sight in any coop. With their fluffy feathers and robust build, they are an excellent choice for both backyard hobbyists and seasoned breeders alike. As they mature, they transform into stunning and highly sought-after chickens, adding significant value to any poultry collection. Known for their exceptional egg-laying prowess, these Wyandottes promise productivity alongside their beauty.
Please note, these chicks are unsexed and their genders cannot be guaranteed.
Silver Laced Wyandotte Chick SR (1-3 week old)
We offer a 24-hour live and livability guarantee. In the rare case of a death, if a comparable aged chick is available, a replacement chick may be selected if desired.
Centered between Annapolis, Baltimore and DC area, we will contact you for pick-up arrangements within 48 hours